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WARNING: Please do not Read this if you're not Ready to Gain Admission this year

2nd WARNING: Please Dnt Expect Any Miracle From Us As we Did During Neco June/July exams, No Payment, No Answer (That's The New Rules) I Dnt Think I (MR BRIGHT) have To Introduce My Self Any more , You All know what we can do And We have never Promise and Failed..

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If You Discoverd this Amazing Help Desk Your Self then You are Fortunate as I Yearly Unlock to Have A's, B's &C's in NECO

Below is the Screenshot of one of our Candidate Result + Replies we received from some of our Students when they Checked their 2019 Neco Result.

Notice: Note that we Have Gotten All Practicals Questions and Answers, So Subscribe now o get it Early

The National Examinations Council (NECO) Board 2023/2024 section is at hand, coming up latest June/July.

ADVICE: A serious Student would go vividly extreme miles to see his or her success coz no one would be happy to say am going to re- write next year that we reject in jesus name!! Subscribe earlier the better Now! And Be brave to let your friends know that NECO cant Delay you THIS Year


1. English

2. Maths

3. Biology

4. Physics

5. Chemistry

6. Literature

7. Government

8. Economics

9. Commerce

10. C.R.K

11. Agric

12. Geography

13. Accounting

14. Further Mathematics

15. Office Practice

16. Marketing

17. Data Processing

18. Insurance

19. Computer Studies

20. Civic Education

21. Animal Husbandry

22. Food and Nutrition

23. Book Keeping

24. Health Science

25. Fisheries

26. Igbo

27. Yoruba

28. Hausa

29. Physics Practical

30. Chemistry Practical

31. Biology Practical

32. Agric Practical

33. Animal Husbandry


(i) ALL SUBJECTS + WhatsApp + No Direct Mobile + Paper work: N20,000
(ii) Link/Password Payment for All subjects + Practicals: N13,000
(iii) 7/8/9 Subjects + WhatsApp + Paper work: N10,000
(iv) LINK/PASSWORD Payment for 8/9 Subjects + or - Practicals: N8,000
(v) Whatsapp Sub Per Subject (Daily Subscription): N1500
(vi) Whatsapp Sub Per Practical (Daily Subscription): N1500
(Vii) Password Link Payment Per Subject: N1000
(viii) Password Link Payment Per Practical : N1000

In order to Subscribe for our June/July Neco Answers, You have to send the subscription fee of the desire amount listed above to 07042462876


Check our Neco Assistance Database HERE after 3 Hours of Payment & Sending your Details to Us.. You Should know if you've been Registered or not on our Assistance Details Database.

>>>: After the deposit,Send
• Your Depositors Name or Name
• Your 9 Subjects
• Your Phone number
• Amount Paid
• & Date of Payment to: 07042462876

Example:Name: Mr Bright, Subjects: Maths,Eng,Phy,Chem,Biology,Agric + Phone no: 07042462876 + MTN PIN: 7655 6765 9865,5657 4534 8768 + I paid N8,000 For June/July NECO on 16th Jan 2023

NOTE:-Direct Mobile Gets Answers Direct On Their Phones 15mins After Exam Has Commenced, Sometimes It Comes Before The Exam Starts Depending..

Also See frequently asked questions& Ans to it

Question 1: How do you know i have paid? Yes, the bank will send us an sms & email alert that someone with name like this paid and their teller number.

Question 2: If i pay this amount now will it be too early? Yes but its a good one on your side because in few negotiation with our source, our payment would be high so late payments must attract additional fee, and it now open

Question 3: If i pay this amount will i pay any additional fee? No! But if it warrants so late payees would bear the cause

Question 4: Is this payment for each subjects? No! For all 9 subjects

Question 5: How Quick would this answers come? Our source has never failed us but latest a day before the exam answers and or questions will come to you.

Question 6: How am i sure this is not a scam? No! And never! The outgoing NECO candidates felt our endless answers hours before exam but since the neco is simpler is 15min once exam commence or before exam

Question 7: i need all the subjects please? call 07042462876 for that answer.

Question 8: I cant go to the bank, how else can i pay? You can pay via recharge card, but that will be only on Saturdays and Sundays amount as card #8000.

ADVICE: Just N8,000 can Free you from Neco Problem Forever, Not even upto the Money you Spend on your Girl Friends, Wears & Drinks when Flexing with Friends.

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